Digital Disruption from EX²

6 Things we are Most Thankful for in 2014

Written by April Rios | Fri, Nov 28, 2014 @ 02:11 AM

Thanksgiving is a day set aside in the United States for giving thanks for all that we have received. Preparing such a list requires reflecting on all that has transpired during the previous year. For EX2 Solutions, 2014 has been packed with activity. With so much for which we are thankful, narrowing the list down to just six items was a challenge. However, by enlisting the aid of all our team members, we have compiled the following list.


  1. Our Customers: First and foremost, we are thankful for our customers. We are honored to have some of the most "tech-savvy" customers included in our client base. They understand how two statements made by hockey legend Wayne Gretzky years ago relate to technology. Mr. Gretzky said, "A good hockey player plays where the puck is. A great hockey player plays where the puck is going to be." Perhaps his most-quoted line is, "I skate to where the puck is going to be, not where it has been." In 2007, Apple's product manager for the iPhone and iPod, Greg Joswiak, repeated the second quote and then added, "Our competitors tend to put the cross hairs on where we are now, and by the time they come up with a product that tries to match where we are now, we’re beyond them." At EX2, we try to anticipate which future technologies will be most exciting and offer the greatest promise, and we prepare for them in advance. Our customers trust us to stay "ahead of the puck" so that we can provide them with the best solutions for their needs. We are therefore thankful for the trust that our clients place in us.


  1. Our Team: We have an amazing team. We look for "technology artisans" to join our team  who can add their unique perspectives to every project. We place a great deal of value on creativity, independent thinking and a commitment to excellence. Our team members know that their efforts are greatly appreciated, and they are encouraged to strike a proper balance between their work and personal lives -- as witnessed by EX2 Solutions receiving the 2014 Higginbotham Health & Wellness Award, which is presented annually to the Austin-area business deemed to best encourage a well-balanced, healthy lifestyle for employees.


  1. New Toys in Our Sandbox: The year has given us some amazing products that we can use to create amazing websites and apps at competitive prices. Apple, Sitecore and Google have all "upped their game," and numerous third party plug-ins have become available that let us shape results in creative, faster, and less expensive ways. One example that springs to mind is WKWebView, which finally brings full-speed JavaScript performance to iOS 8 apps.


  1. Our Continued Success in Website Development: Website development has always been an integral part of our business. In 2014, the Austin Business Journal named EX2 Solutions to its list of Austin's top web developers for the second time.


  1. Responsive Design: Now that screens come in a variety of sizes, orientations and shapes, designing websites and apps that display properly on all devices would be time-consuming and costly. Responsive design techniques allow us to provide superior products to our customers at the best possible rates.


  1. Sitecore: Although we value all of our technology partners, Sitecore stands out for their continued focus on the consumer experience. Sitecore is constantly striving to refine its products, improve user experience and make it easier for developers to create outstanding products.


As you can see, 2014 has been very good to all of us here at EX2 Solutions, and we feel that we have much to be thankful for. We hope that when you reflect on your own reasons to be thankful, your list is much, much longer and that you have a safe and happy Thanksgiving!