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Digital Disruption from EX²

Adam Graham

Recent Posts

Making the Best First Impression on Your Website

By Adam Graham

It can take visitors less than one second to reach an initial impression of your website, and less than three seconds to decide whether to stay or move on, according to a study conducted by the Missouri University of Science and Technology. Unless you can keep visitors engaged once they are at your site, there is little chance that they will receive your message or make an online purchase. It is therefore of critical importance to make the best first impression possible.

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Topics: Best Practices for User Experience, Responsive Design

Designing for Phablets

By Adam Graham

It seems that every time web developers become proficient at creating sites that will render correctly on any device, the industry releases yet another type of device that requires changing design strategies. Such is the case with the phablet. (For the uninitiated, a phablet is a device that combines the features of a smartphone with a tablet, and is between the two devices in terms of overall size and screen size.)

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Topics: Best Practices for User Experience, Responsive Design

Use Images to Increase Your Marketing Effectiveness

By Adam Graham

Ad men have known the effectiveness of images since at least the 1920s. Modern society is highly oriented to receiving information through visual images, such as watching a television newscast rather than reading a lengthy story in the newspaper. Pictures tell stories -- quickly and succinctly, but with all the nuances that might be difficult to convey through the written word alone. Today's consumers are subjected to a constant barrage of marketing spanning all forms of media from online social sites to local signage. With so many different companies and organizations clamoring for attention, it is critical that you have a marketing content management system that allows you to harness the power of images effectively.

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Topics: Best Practices for User Experience, Customer Experience

Ensuring Your Metro Web Design Paints a Beautiful Picture

By Adam Graham

Metro-style designs have the potential to be sleek, beautiful pages. However, just like city metro vehicles can be shiny and attractive or dented and rusty, a metro site can be poorly planned and offer unsatisfactory results, or it can be well-planned and executed and provide a consistent user interface. When planning a metro design, there are certain key points to consider.

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Topics: Best Practices, Responsive Design

Chrome Web Application vs Windows 8 Application: Make the Best Choice

By Adam Graham

Current technology offers many tools that can empower your marketing department. However, as the industry is advancing at a break-neck pace, it is not always easy to decide on specifics. For example, you are probably aware that custom apps can benefit your business, but you might be struggling to decide whether your new application should be a Windows 8 or Chrome app. Here are some points to consider about each of these web solutions.

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Topics: Custom Development

5 Questions You Need to Ask Potential Technology Partners

By Adam Graham

Often, the best way to maximize the potential offered by technological advances is to choose a technology partner. This can be especially important for marketing; modern marketers need all of the advantages that technology can offer to compete in what is now a competitive, global arena. 

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Topics: Development, Staff Augmentation, Technology Strategy Consulting

Using Data Integration to Improve Your Business

By Adam Graham

Using the latest methods for data aggregation can make your business run more efficiently. Here is what you need to know about managing data with schema and data integration.

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Responsive Design: Additional Thoughts & Considerations

By Adam Graham

When redesigning your site for responsive behavior, allowing it to adapt to various screen sizes and types of web-accessible platforms, there are a number of things to keep in mind. While we covered several of these in our previous article on the topic, here are a few more to help you make your site that much better:

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Topics: Responsive Design

How TouchScreen Apps are Changing the World of Business

By Adam Graham

The use of haptic interfaces, or touchscreens, continues to influence every aspect of business from personal computing to Point of Sale (POS) systems. A Business Wire report projects a compound annual growth of the touchscreen market of 19.5% for the next 4 years, and the customer or client is not the only one at the end of your touchscreen applications. What this means for your business is that if you haven’t fully incorporated touchscreen technology, you risk being left behind in the wake of rapid technological change.

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Topics: Best Practices for User Experience, Touchscreen Applications, Mobile Applications

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