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Digital Disruption from EX²

Adam Graham

Recent Posts

Why We Like Sitecore 7.0 as a CMS

By Adam Graham

The world today makes real time communication with you customers absolutely essential. To remain relevant businesses must create engaging content at a rapid pace, without sacrificing a consistent and cohesive voice across platforms, departments and the organization.  This new norm makes a robust Content Management System imperative for any business aiming for success.

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Topics: Sitecore

Designing Your Central Marketing Hub

By Adam Graham

Implementing a quality Enterprise Content Management system is a key to coordinating marketing content and communications.

As long as businesses have been on the Internet they have generated endless email. The age of social media has added another level of complexity to corporate marketing efforts.

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Topics: Responsive Design

The Benefits of Partnering With a Microsoft Certified Partner

By Adam Graham

Working with Microsoft Certified Partners is a way of guaranteeing that your business is working with the very best service providers in a particular field of expertise. Every organization that is awarded with Microsoft Certified Partner status is an accredited independent company that provides services on behalf of Microsoft. These organizations can be situated anywhere around the globe, spanning many different fields of expertise and business specialisms.

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Topics: Certification

Why Your Business Needs to Be Thinking about Kiosks Now

By Adam Graham

Self-service_kioskInteractive kiosks are transforming the way that businesses interact with consumers in order to promote a consumer message, create enhanced brand engagement, or execute a transaction. In comparison with signage and video displays, kiosks provide far greater flexibility and opportunity for innovation, and at EX2 we believe that every company should be thinking about integrating the kiosk user experience into their business practice.

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Topics: Kiosk Development

What are the unique considerations and pitfalls of responsive design

By Adam Graham

As the global online community continues to use mobile and tablet devices when conducting business and personal activities, it is becoming increasingly important to design websites with responsive usability in mind. According to a report by GlobalWebIndex, tablet ownership increased by 282% from Q1 2011 to Q1 2013, while desktop ownership decreased by 2006 from April 2006 to April 2012. A separate study from Juniper Research has reported that smartphone purchases have increased by 50% from Q3 2012 to Q3 2013.

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Topics: Responsive Design

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