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Digital Disruption from EX²

April Rios

Recent Posts

4 Tips for Effective Website Error Messaging

By April Rios

It would be hard to find anyone who has not encountered a "404" message if the individual has spent more than a few minutes surfing the web. No matter how much importance you place on making sure your website makes a great first impression, things will happen that are beyond your control, making it inevitable that visitors will occasionally encounter an error message.

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Topics: Responsive Design

5 Lessons to Learn from Gucci’s Immersive Retail Experience

By April Rios

The name "Gucci" has been synonymous with high quality and luxury since the 1920s, when the company began producing classically styled leather goods. By the 1950s, movie stars and other celebrities were regularly seen in Gucci fashions or sporting Gucci accessories. Gucci items quickly became status symbols. This allowed the company to charge top prices for its goods, but catering to such an exclusive clientele meant that the company had to offer outstanding customer service while remaining on the cutting edge of fashion.

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Topics: Best Practices for User Experience, Natural User Interface, Kiosk Development

What is the Kano Model - And Why Should You Care?

By April Rios

For many years, the prevailing attitude -- especially in the IT industry -- was that, since customers had no idea what they really needed or wanted, they had to be told. Whether the premise was ever true is still under debate. One thing has become clear, however -- it is not true for today's customers.

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Topics: Development

Selecting the Right Kiosk Hardware

By April Rios

The use of kiosks has increased dramatically over the last 20 years. The increase has been driven in part by declining costs, but more and more companies are recognizing the potential kiosks have for enhancing customer experience and increasing sales. Kiosks offer a variety of ways to improve your business, such as dispensing products, delivering a marketing campaign or facilitating online shopping. However, delivering the best experience for the user depends on selecting the proper hardware. There is no need to buy the most expensive of each item, but it is important to choose the ones that will make the best combination for your needs.

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Topics: Best Practices for User Experience, Kiosk Development

What should you expect from a service provider?

By April Rios

At EX2 Solutions, we approach each project as if we are a partner in the client's business. Our clients' success is always foremost in our minds, and it is an integral part of how we measure our own success. Clients know that they can count on us to provide them with the best solution available for their needs. To ensure that clients are more than satisfied with our work, we have developed a business philosophy that encompasses five major elements.

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Topics: EX Squared, Development, Technology Strategy Consulting

Cutting the Cord: Technology is Moving to Smart Devices

By April Rios

It seems that every year, a new technology is touted as "the next big thing," Occasionally, these technologies are an epic fail -- think Warner's Qube or the Net PC -- but more often, they are true game changers. Technological advances have had a major impact on how companies do business as well as how they market to their customers. For example, iBeacons offer new ways to market to a targeted customer, and mobile apps have had an even greater impact.

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Topics: Best Practices for User Experience, Responsive Design

Mobile Apps are a Necessity, Not a Luxury

By April Rios

Enterprise mobile apps help businesses attract new customers and retain their current ones by using technology as an effective marketing tool. This is not idle speculation, but a fact that has been proven in numerous studies. Mobile apps increase exposure and visibility, help build customer loyalty and make your business more accessible.

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Topics: Mobile Applications

Game Engines are Serious Business

By April Rios

The traditional architectural visualization industry developed to produce animated and still images for business applications. Game engines were developed for a similar purpose -- to create interactive images that would engage players through entertaining scenarios. Today, shoppers appreciate companies that harness technology to create an immersive experience. For businesses who want to create innovative graphical representations that attract and hold the interest of those who view them, there are advantages to using game engines as a starting point.

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Topics: CMS

How iBeacons will Revolutionize Your Customer Interactions

By April Rios

Apple's introduction of iOS 7 in 2013 was very low-key when it came to iBeacon. The company's presentation offered no details about iBeacon's possible uses. However, the tech industry immediately saw the product's potential for marketing -- iBeacon could well revolutionize how companies and their customers interact.

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Topics: Best Practices for User Experience

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