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Digital Disruption from EX²

April Rios

Recent Posts

SharePoint 2013: Common Implementation Pitfalls

By April Rios

Current technology offers businesses a variety of ways to empower their marketing departments. Implementing a SharePoint solution is one method. Not only can a well-developed, properly implemented SharePoint app provide solutions to marketing needs, but it also can prove beneficial to all departments in myriad ways. However, if you are planning to implement a SharePoint solution, there are certain pitfalls you need to avoid.

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Topics: CMS

SharePoint 2013 Lets You Customize Your Viewing Experience

By April Rios

The quality of the information contained in your database, the innovative ideas your team members have and your commitment to be more productive without incurring additional labor expenses can all become meaningless without a means of viewing and sharing information. SharePoint as an ECM tool offers a variety of ways to view information that can be adapted to each user's specific needs.

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Topics: CMS, SharePoint

Why You Should Consider SharePoint 2013 for Your ECM Needs

By April Rios

When Microsoft first unveiled SharePoint, it shook the world of enterprise content management. A truly scalable, platform-based solution for ECM was a revolutionary idea at the time. With SharePoint 2013, Microsoft has created a product that is as effective residing in the cloud as on premises.

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Topics: CMS

Why Visitors' First Impressions of Your Website are Crucial

By April Rios

The adage that you never get a second chance to make a good first impression was coined long before the Internet, but when it comes to your website, it is especially true. A recent study from the Missouri University of Science and Technology revealed that visitors form their first impression of your website in under 0.2 seconds. Within the next 2.6 seconds, the visitor will have focused his eyes in a manner that strengthens his first impression.

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Topics: Best Practices for User Experience, Best Practices

How a Custom Web Application can Benefit Your Business

By April Rios

In the early days of the Internet, merely having a basic web page was often considered as having an online presence. Typically, such pages offered little more than the company's phone number or address, a short blurb on the products or services offered, business hours and perhaps driving directions. Although few businesses today would consider such a rudimentary website as sufficient, many companies still have not harnessed all of the power available to them through the Internet. 

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Topics: Custom Development

Managing Your Responsive Website Across Devices of All Screen Sizes

By April Rios

Every business that wants to gain competitive advantage needs to be fully aware of the importance of populating online channels with meaningful content for a particular target market. But this no longer means setting up a simple Wordpress website and hoping that your content reaches the right people. 

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Topics: Responsive Design

How technology plays a vital role in the Buyer 2.0 model

By April Rios

In recent years, there has been a major shift in the way that consumers and brands interact. The traditional model of purchasing advertising space in a newspaper or magazine in the hope that 1 consumer out of 100 will be motivated enough to make a purchase based on this promotional method is disappearing – and fast. The rise of the online world has created a new sales model called Buyer 2.0.

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Topics: Best Practices for User Experience, Responsive Design

How to Empower Your Marketing Through Technology

By April Rios

In the online world, the marketing function of a business is more important than ever. Gone are the days of businesses competing with a handful of other companies in their local vicinity. Instead, they need to sharpen their most effective marketing tools in order to compete with thousands of businesses that are present right across the online world.

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Topics: CMS, Customer Experience

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