Digital Disruption from EX²

Using Data Integration to Improve Your Business

Written by Adam Graham | Mon, Mar 3, 2014 @ 17:03 PM

Using the latest methods for data aggregation can make your business run more efficiently. Here is what you need to know about managing data with schema and data integration.

What is a Schema?

A schema is a formula that you can use to manage your data. It allows only data that meet certain criteria to enter into the system. Taking this approach is a great way to filter out unnecessary data and therefore make the most of it.

Best Business Practices for Data Integration

Data integration allows you to skim relevant data from a variety of sources and compile it into one database. Using data integration can make it easier for you and your employees to keep track of linked data from a variety of sources. The best practice for data integration is to use schema to help you combine data sets quickly. By setting up schema in your system, you can easily compile only the most necessary data from many sources. The computerized systems make fewer errors than humans would make, meaning that the data sets are also more accurate than those compiled by hand.

Embracing Data Integration Can Make You a Hero

Managing and interpreting data can be one of the most tedious and time consuming parts of a job. Especially when the necessary data is stored in more than one place, the need to mentally assimilate data from a variety of sources can be painstaking. A system that helps employees manage data more easily is a welcome relief in the office space.

Using a schema to integrate your data can make you a favorite person in the office. By making the task of managing data much simpler, you'll take a cognitive load off of your employees. You'll also prevent errors caused by over-tasking your employees. In short, data integration can make everyone's life easier and also improve the quality of work done in the office. For this reason, many companies are making the smart choice to set up schema for their data management systems.