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How to Empower Your Marketing Through Technology

By April Rios

Enterprise CMSIn the online world, the marketing function of a business is more important than ever. Gone are the days of businesses competing with a handful of other companies in their local vicinity. Instead, they need to sharpen their most effective marketing tools in order to compete with thousands of businesses that are present right across the online world.

When Technology and Marketing Meet

If your business marketers are not amplifying the very best uses of technology to provide them with competitive advantage, they are missing a trick. Here are some of the ways that technology can amplify the marketing power of every business.

  1. Delivering personalized content. We know that content is important, but personalizing content for your audience is how you take your content offering one step further than your competitors. Intelligent software can record every step that each individual makes on your website or business web application. As a result, content can be tailored to specific individuals in order to convert them to leads and eventually into consumers. 
  1. Better user experience through responsive presentation. Users consume content in different ways and on different devices. Whether they are using a desktop PC, a smartphone or a tablet, technology allows businesses to take an adaptive approach to tailor content to particular device of the user and improve customer engagement. 
  1. Visibility through analytics. A marketing department is simply making guesswork unless they have access to robust analytics and reporting that can provide them with the information they need to create truly effective marketing campaigns. Advanced analytics can track user behaviors online to ensure that ineffective marketing methods and content offerings are removed from a marketing plan and that consumers only experience the most targeted marketing communication. 
  1. Nurturing leads through integrated email marketing. Any online marketer will appreciate that building an online email database of potential consumers is invaluable. Very simply, people who sign up to email databases are more likely to purchase products or services from the sender. Advanced email solutions can go one step further by personalizing email communications for particular users.

EX2 and Enterprise Content Management

At EX2, we have devised an advanced Enterprise Content Management System that can offer all of the listed benefits to marketers in any company. If you are interested in learning more about how your business can benefit from ECMS, make sure that you contact us today.

Topics: CMS, Customer Experience

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