Digital Disruption from EX²

Use Images to Increase Your Marketing Effectiveness

Written by Adam Graham | Wed, Jun 4, 2014 @ 20:06 PM

Ad men have known the effectiveness of images since at least the 1920s. Modern society is highly oriented to receiving information through visual images, such as watching a television newscast rather than reading a lengthy story in the newspaper. Pictures tell stories -- quickly and succinctly, but with all the nuances that might be difficult to convey through the written word alone. Today's consumers are subjected to a constant barrage of marketing spanning all forms of media from online social sites to local signage. With so many different companies and organizations clamoring for attention, it is critical that you have a marketing content management system that allows you to harness the power of images effectively.


Capture Their Attention Quickly

Do not underestimate the importance of first impressions. Website visitors need less than two-tenths of a second to form an impression. If they like what they see, they are more likely to continue to peruse the page. It doesn’t matter whether it is a traditional website, a mobile site or a social media page. If you do not capture their interest quickly, they will probably move on without having bothered to digest your message in full.


Use Images to Interrupt Text

Sometimes, it is impossible to avoid text. You must describe your product or give information about your company. However, you need to break any text into smaller, well-organized blocks. Use images to break-up long passages and give readers time for the information to sink in. Create contrast with well-placed pictures. Give visitors a snapshot in the form of a graphic rather than a long-winded verbal description. Choose colors that add contrast and provide visual stimulation.


Choose Images for Desired Effect

The type of images you choose depend on the reaction you want to evoke. For example, if you are in charge of the marketing campaign for a non-profit organization's fund-raising efforts, you might choose images that show the appreciative faces of those the organization has helped. On the other hand, if you are marketing the services of a high-tech software developer, you would choose images that reinforce the perception that the company possesses all of the latest hardware needed for the job. If you want people to buy, do not post images that trigger the response to avoid spending. If you want them to eat, do not encourage them to diet.


Use Social Media Sites Wisely

Integrating social media is an important part of your marketing content management. However, you need to incorporate social media properly. For example, you might want to include a "Like" button on your website, but it should not be the largest image on your page. Choose only the social sites that make sense for your business -- a company that manufactures a pigment used to make paint for battleships will not get many "pins" on Pinterest, for example. Furthermore, if you have links to social media sites on your page, make sure that you actually have a presence on those sites. Prepare status updates, announce upcoming events or offer special savings just for social media fans. Monitor comments regularly so that you can address any concerns voiced by users in the fastest manner possible.


Avoid Overwhelming Viewers

Variations exist that assign different ratios of pictures to words. Some have claimed that one picture equates to 1,000 words, while others claim a picture equates to 10 times that many words. Regardless of which version you accept, keep in mind that excessive images -- just like excessive words -- can be overwhelming. Images must be chosen carefully and placed strategically to achieve the desired results.

For more than a decade, EX² Solutions has been helping clients develop marketing solutions that work. Our team has the expertise needed to help you harness the power of images in your marketing efforts. Contact us to learn more about the services we provide.