Digital Disruption from EX²

What should you expect from a service provider?

Written by April Rios | Tue, Jul 8, 2014 @ 21:07 PM

At EX2 Solutions, we approach each project as if we are a partner in the client's business. Our clients' success is always foremost in our minds, and it is an integral part of how we measure our own success. Clients know that they can count on us to provide them with the best solution available for their needs. To ensure that clients are more than satisfied with our work, we have developed a business philosophy that encompasses five major elements.


Exceed Clients' Expectations

Most everyone sets long-term and short-term goals. At EX2 Solutions, one of our daily goals is to exceed our clients' expectations each and every day. This is one of the cornerstones on which we have built our business. However, we also do it as a matter of personal pride. Nothing is more fulfilling than going home at the end of the day after earning a "Wow!" from a client, so we strive for that reaction constantly.


Personal Communication

We believe that email is a terrible form of communication. Not only is it inefficient, but it also is devoid of the intonation that supplies information over and above the characters entered on a screen. Email should be reserved for communication statements of facts or summations, but it should never be expected to replace telephone calls and face-to-face meetings. We believe that our clients should not settle for less than actual conversations about their projects.


Welcome Change

In today's world, about the only constant is change, and nowhere is that more apparent than in the technology industry. Devices that were in the design phase just two or three decades ago are now in widespread use. Hardware continues to evolve -- it has not been all that many years since computers filled rooms, but provided less computing power than a modern laptop. We are aware that technological changes occur frequently, and we welcome each new evolution, whether in hardware or software. Furthermore, our team members are proactive at keeping their skills and certifications current, which is one factor you should evaluate when choosing a technology partner.


Embrace Collaboration

No individual can be an expert on every conceivable topic. We know that we can learn something from everyone, because everyone knows something -- learned through experience, environment or formal education -- that we do not know. From clients to fellow team members, we value the input of others. Only when people feel that their ideas and suggestions have meaning can true collaboration exist. We know that by working with others, we can all achieve greater success. This is one reason that we welcome the feedback from clients and welcome their suggestions. It is also the primary reason why we work closely with our clients throughout the project to ensure that even the smallest details are covered.


Practice Active Listening

Good marriages, close friendships and lasting business relationships all require participants to listen to what others have to say. We believe in active listening, which means that we take whatever steps are necessary to make sure that we truly understand what our clients are saying. We ask questions if we need clarification, or we might restate what we have heard to make sure that what we think a statement means is what the client intended. We believe that we are building relationships for a lifetime, not for a single project.



The talented team at EX2 Solutions is ready to lend a wealth of experience and a diversity of skills to your next project. Contact us to learn more about all that we have to offer.