Digital Disruption from EX²

However You Slice It, Domino's Pizza Ordering App is a Cut Above

Written by April Rios | Tue, Mar 10, 2015 @ 17:03 PM
niloo138 /123RF.COM" After the pizza giant’s recipe re-launch in 2009 introduced the world to a "better, more flavorful" pizza, the Domino’s Pizza franchise began enjoying a steady rise to the top of the pizza heap. This came about after customer service surveys repeatedly praised Domino’s for their speed and efficiency -- just not their pizza. The franchise is now enjoying having all three to customer satisfaction, but only because they have made sure to continue offering top-notch service. To make sure their speed and efficiency ratings stayed high, Domino’s embraced the opportunities offered by new technology to get their pizzas to hungry customers faster and better: the Domino’s Pizza ordering app.
Offered on all major mobile device platforms, the Domino’s ordering app puts a hassle-free dinner plan into their customers’ pockets. The franchise went beyond expectations -- an available menu, choice of locations and a digital ordering service -- to provide an experience pizza fans keep returning for. 

The app automatically finds the Domino’s location closest to the customer’s device and easily saves alternative locations for future use, whether for pick-up or delivery.
Customers build their pizzas with a 3D replica to help them visualize their chosen toppings and crust size. This way, they get exactly what they thought they were ordering and might even get the appetite stoked to add a few things to the order, too. The app can remember prior orders so if a customer tends to order the same thing every time, they can repeat it at the touch (or swipe) of a button.

The voice-ordering feature, however, is truly a slice above the rest. With no need to press buttons or look at the device, customers can speak their orders directly to the app and have it automatically processed by the nearest location for pick-up or delivery. This option allows drivers to order pizzas without needing to stop or violate any traffic laws.

After the order is placed, it can be tracked from the app. Customers get a real-time view of the order’s estimated time of delivery or readiness and are able to watch their order proceed through each stage as it is being prepped, baked and checked. Customers can even send "words of encouragement" to the staff members actually preparing their orders.

These technological strides give Domino’s some important edges over the competition. Their voice-ordering mimics a traditional phone-in order, without needing to wait on hold, risk miscommunication or be placed in a distracting conversation. The location synchronization and order history makes putting in a routine order so easy that it is almost reflexive. Thanks to the order tracking, customers can be certain their pizza is being prepared and on what timeline. This is a time-saving measure for customers that keeps them from waiting on late pizzas, but it also offers a fun way for the customers to engage with the business. Furthermore, the app gives the company access to a wealth of analytics for marketing purposes that might be difficult to attain otherwise. That kind of forward-thinking, customer-centric interaction has paid off in a major way for the franchise.

Domino’s Pizza has exhibited a strong willingness to adapt to customer desires and to the changing facets of technology. Its pizza-ordering app is a technological edge over its competitors, which is one reason that Domino’s is a company found in over 70 countries as its fans continue to grow on a global scale. The design of the app, however, comes directly from the company’s connection to what its customers want -- and that is why it is coming out on top. 

Image Copyright: © niloo138 /123RF.COM